Laser treatment fungi toenail cost - WOC Print Laser treatment fungi toenail cost | WOC Print

Laser treatment fungi toenail cost

Ngày đăng: 06/10/2019
One of the factors that can threaten your dream of having a perfect toe nail is when you get a fungus infection on the toes. The effects often include the fact that the toe nail will become thick, very hard and become yellow. Taking care of your nails will become a serious issue as it will be more difficult cutting your nails. Furthermore, applying cosmetics and other nail beauty treatments on such toe nails will yield little to more result.

Fungi toenail treatment options

There are generally 4 options you will have to choose from when your nails have been attacked by fungi: The options include:

  • Opting for laser treatment which will entail paying the laser treatment fungi toenail cost, which could be a bit expensive, but having a 100 percent assurance that your fungi infection will be cured.
  • It is also possible to opt for oral Lamisil prescription, which gives a 66 percent probability of solving the problem. However, it comes with possible side effects of liver damage. Based on this, blood tests are carried out towards checking if it had caused any damage to the liver and to know if further actions are required to prevent the patient from later having liver issues.
  • Another option is the use of liquid antifungals. An example is the Penlac prescription where about 44 percent of the patients recorded an improvement, while 7 percent of the patients were cured.
  • There is the option of not treating the infection, leaving the nails and watching them deteriorate.




Why you should take efforts to treat fungi toenail infection

When your toenail is infected with fungi, you will observe some negative changes to your finger nail. The nail will become very hard, thick and the color will change. This will make your nail look very unattractive and difficult to cut. If you normally go for pedicure services, the thickness and hard nature of your nail could lead to increased charges as more efforts and time will be required for your pedicure. There is also the risk of infecting the nail stylist when she is doing your nails, other customers of the stylist if the stylist’s nails or equipment get infected or some other people in your home who might put legs into your shoes. It is thus, advisable to take immediate measures to cure yourself when you start to notice the signs of a fungi infection.

Why you should opt for laser fungi toenail treatment

You might be wondering if this treatment, considering the laser treatment fungi toenail cost, will be worth it. There are many reasons why the use of the laser toenail treatment is the best for you. The laser option is the only treatment option for fungi toenail infection that has a 100 percent success rate. Once you are able to contact a professional to help with treating the toenail with laser, you will be able to observe improvement within a few days. This is as opposed to leaving the toenail without any treatment or going for other options that will offer less than a 70 percent rate of killing the fungi, the use of liquid anti-fungi has a success rate of just about 7 percent. The laser treatment does not come with any side effect, implying that you will not have to worry about liver damage that could arise from taking oral prescription. The laser treatment is also a very painless procedure. You can easily tell the professional if you feel heat build-up on the part he is currently treating, and he will move to another part.




What to consider when opting for laser treatment

When you find that your toe nail has been infected with a fungi infection, your worry should not be limited to the nails alone. This is considering the fact that the skin around the toenail could have been infected as well as the shoes the individual wears. Treatment should thus, not focus only on the toenails as the skin around the toenails must be disinfected as well. This is to avoid a spread to the toenail from the skin after the toenail has been treated. A professional is aware of this and will be able to make sure that every infection on your toenail is disinfected. You might however, be surprised that after going to a professional for laser treatment, there was no improvement as the fungi seem to still be there. In this case, your shoe and socks will be the culprit. Even after killing every fungi in your toenails and the skin around, using your socks or shoes that was infected before your treatment, could mean the fungi will climb back to your toenails and you wouldn’t have made any progress. It is thus recommended that immediately before or after the treatment, you should use hot water to wash your socks and also disinfect the shoe. You should not go back home in the shoe that you wore to the venue for the treatment. You should go along with a new or disinfected shoes and socks to wear.

Single treatment or multiple treatment

You might have to choose between a single treatment and multiple treatments. Most times, the doctor will recommend if you will be having a single treatment or multiple treatments. It is possible for your fungi infection to be treated in one laser treatment. However, some doctors will proffer multiple treatments. The advantage of a single treatment is that you will save time, since you won’t have to come for further appointments that will cost you more time. For multiple treatments, you will not have to deal with too much heat been used on your toe nails at a time, even though it does not have any side effects for the single treatment. Furthermore, should you get infected again due to using another shoe, the subsequent treatment will cure it.


The laser treatment fungi toenail cost is usually between $500 and $1200. This varies slightly from hospital to hospital, but you should be able to get treatment from a very good hospital at this range.

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