Gel nail polish change price, and the benefits of changing gel nail polish on time

Ngày đăng: 06/06/2019
Have you ever wondered why more ladies these days prefer the use of Gel nail polish? It is because they are fabulous and have tons of features that these set of ladies cannot resist. Other types of nail polish lose their shine easily, but nail polished with gel can last for weeks.

There are so many things people like about gel nail polish. Hence the reason its popularity has increased. It is very easy to apply compared others, thanks to the UV light curing which makes the gel nail polish to dry faster. If you have a family you cater for, and don’t want to waste too much time in the salon, then you will like the gel nail polish. It takes just 2 to 3 minutes to dry out, meaning you will not be spending too much time in the salon just because you want to get your nails done.




The gel nail polish change price is budget-friendly. But before talking about it, let’s find out more about the incredible gel nail polish.

Why should I get a gel nail polish?

Before getting a gel nail polish, there are several things you need to know. The benefits of this nail polish are tempting, no doubt. But it would be better to know what you are going in for before making final decision. The benefits of gel nail polish include;

  • Harder and non-porous surface

Gel nail polish is applied differently from another nail polish. Its method of application makes the surface harder and non-porous. It is applied on the nail before being cured under Ultraviolet light. This is why nails polished with gel looks different from others.

  • Fast application

Another thing that will make you choose gel nail polish over others is that it can be applied very fast. Application is fast, and you can even do it yourself without professional help. But many would prefer to use a professional to ensure it is done correctly.

  • Last Longer

Gel nail polish has something other nail polishes do not have. It can last for about 3 to 4 weeks when applied. Gel polish is a perfect fit for people who have series of events to attend. It can last for weeks as earlier said without the polish chipping.

  • Affordability

Gel nail polish change price is budget-friendly. You don’t need to break the bank whether you are planning to change the polish or getting your nails done. The cost of getting your nails done depends on where you reside and how you want your nails done. It can range from $100 to $20.

  • Natural finish and look

Firstly, gel nail polish is fast even if the process involves three layers of polish where each is cured with UV light. Even at that, the process is still faster. It will give your nails a natural finish, and a more realistic look. In fact, people will not be able to tell whether they are real or fake.

  • Process is odorless

If you can’t stand the odor other products emit, then go for gel nail polish that is odorless.

  • Safe for everyone

Pregnant women are not allowed to use nail polish. But guess what, they are free to use gel. So if you are pregnant and want to continue taking good care your nails, then go for gel nail polish.  It is safe, fast and the gel nail polish change price is pocket-friendly.




What are the different costs for the Gel polish change?

Changing the color of the polish will cost at least $20. And it depends on the polish or the need to redo the entire process. The cost can be lower if you so wish. The only thing you need to do is ensure that you only go to a credible salon. Some salons may not have the slightest idea on how to do the gel polish and may spoil the nails.

If you need a manicure/pedicure with gel polish you will need to pay roughly $75. This, however, depends on where you get the service. It is always advisable to look for service providers that are credible and have been in the business for some time. They will be able to offer you the best quality services

The other Gel service that you can get is the repair of spoilt nails, such as when the gel has spoilt in one or two fingers while the rest are still in a good condition. You can get this service at $10-$15. It is fast and only involves fixing the nails that have spoilt. In fact, you can even save a lot. Also, with little practice, you can even fix the nail all by yourself. All you need is to get a good gel repair kit. You can get the kit for as low as $30 and would last for a long time

Gel removal is another common service that people look for when it comes to gel polish. And remember never to remove the gel yourself by chipping it away. It can to weaken your nails and make them look unsightly as well. A good salon will get this done for you in just a matter of minutes with as little as $5. The gel polish itself is one of the cheapest polishes you can ever buy contrary to what most people think. But you need to buy from a reputable source.

Gel nail polish is a perfect fit for everyone, including pregnant women. But know that gel nail polish change price is not the only factor to consider when selecting the nail salon. But the price varies from one salon to the other. However, you can get the best salon that can get your nails done at an affordable rate. Ask questions about any salon you come across if you are unsure of where to get the best gel nail polish change. Find out from friends and family. You can also read reviews left by other persons that have patronized the salon you intend to visit.

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