Shellac Polish Change Price, and what makes it so superb

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2019
Shellac polish is a thing of beauty and as a woman; you will understand this all too well. The thought of stepping out with nails that are unsightly can dampen you spirit all together. Shellac Polish is quite affordable and if you purpose to do it at the very least once in a month, this can be possible as the Shellac change price is quite reasonable.

What is a Shellac polish?

If you are familiar with gel polish, then you will most definitely know what a Shellac polish is. They are similar in many ways. Both make use of UV light and leave the nails looking stylish and unique. Shellac Originates from the Creative Nail Design Company. This is a company that specializes on nothing but quality. Hence, Shellac is a quality gel product. Shellac enhances the nails artificially with minimal to no side effects. Only presumed side effect is the exposure to the UV rays. There is no scientific evidence to prove that exposure to the rays will be harmful. There is no need to worry about this. The process involves curing the nail polish under a lamp. This leads to the development of strong, stylish and durable nails.


Shellac polish cost will range from $30-$60. This is when you have only the polish set it. When you want a manicure together with the polish then need to add approximately $20 on the top. This is on the higher end. Most salons will never charge you anything above $40 for a manicure and a shell polish. This is the same for a shell polish change. The polish will need a replacement, so you will have to pay for the service a fresh. If it is a salon that you are used to and have good relations with then you will always enjoy discounts. We make it a point of having the contacts of a good and reliable salon.

You’re able to hold Shellac polish on your nails for up to 2 weeks. This is the longest you need to stay with it for various reasons. The fact that application of the polish is simple, fast and affordable should be a motivation for you to change the polish frequently. There is need to get the polish change done at a salon because there a manicure will help ensure the overall look is more appealing.

When it comes to removal, its best to leave it to the professional. Chipping will only serve to spoil your nails. The process involves the use of acetone. You dip the nail in the acetone for approximately 7 minutes and then the polish is scrapes off. This will come off very fast and easily. The most this cost is $20 in the nail salons. Such a small price to pay for the health of your nails. The best part about Shellac polish is that it will not weaken your nails so much. When you compare nails removed after gel application and those after Shellac, you will see that Shellac does not have such a huge effect on the strength of the nails.

What makes Shellac best

The application of Shellac is fact, and this makes it very convenient. You will not need to wait for it to dry up. If you are always on the go as we are, you will love this polish.

The flexibility of Shellac is the other reason why Shellac is the best. Shellac is available in a variety of colors. You can always choose the range that you want. There are about 250 colors to choose from when it comes to Shellac. It infuses very well in the nail and so seen as natural nail.

When it comes to price, Shellac is quite affordable. Shellac polish change price will never go above $100. All you need to do is look for a good place to get the polish done. The best part is that with the help of the internet, you will have variety when selecting the salon.


How is Shellac polish different from Gel polish?

Shellac polish to our opinion is more superior compared to gel polish. The polish will take a shorter time to dry and therefore gives you flexibility. It does not weaken the nail as compared to gel polish and in fact, can help repair the damage caused by gel polish. There are more varieties to choose from when you compare the two as well. When it comes to the brand itself, although they use the same technology, Shellac is better in terms of superiority. We can conclude that risks associated with Shellac polish is less. Gel polish application is associated with risks of cancer due to the exposure to the UV rays.

In terms of durability, Shellac lasts longer. We recommend that you change your polish at least after one week and if you do not have time then the maximum needs to be two weeks. The overall outlook of Shellac and that of gel are quite distinct. Gel has an overall outlook that is good but incomparable to Shellac. Shellac looks much more stylish and sophisticated. I would recommend this when you have an important function that you will need to attend.

Application of gel and Shellac are similar only that you will be exposed to UV rays for a lesser time with Shellac. They both need roughening up of the bed by use of a file. It is therefore advisable to get the service from a professional service provider. The removal process is also very distinct and is never a good idea to do it yourself. If you are short on cash, all you need to do is look for an affordable salon by comparing the Shellac polish change price of the different salons. The choice is yours, go out into the world in style with Shellac nail polish!

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